Lista de Tweaks de Cydia Compatibles con iOS 8.1.2
![Lista de Tweaks de Cydia Compatibles con iOS 8.1.2](
¿Cansados de instalar un tweak desde Cydia y ver que no es compatible con iOS 8.1.2? ¿Queréis conocer cuáles funcionan correctamente en el nuevo sistema operativo de Apple? Buscando por la web hemos encontrado una lista inmensa de tweaks compatibles con iOS 8. ¡Hay cientos de ellos!
Se trata de una recopilación de tweaks de Cydia muy útiles que nos permitirán contar con funciones extra que potenciarán nuestro iPhone o iPad. Al explorar esta selección os daréis cuenta de que algunos están clasificados como "(Partial)", esto significa que son compatibles pero están pendientes de ser actualizados por bugs y errores de funcionamiento.
Para conseguir descargar estos modificadores o extensiones sobra decir que necesitaremos el jailbreak de Pangu o TaiG instalado. Por último, cabe destacar que TODOS son compatibles con las versiones de iOS 8.0 hasta iOS 8.1.2. ¡Esperamos que os sean de utilidad!
Lista de tweaks de Cydia compatibles con iOS 8.1.2
- 360
- 20 Second Lockscreen
- 2x2 Folder Icons
- 360 Vault
- 3G Unrestrictor 5 (iOS 8 & 7)
- 7Shaders
- A Best VoIP APP - Tinkle
- aBar
- AboutUDID
- Acapella
- AccountChanger TS (Partial)
- Actif
- Action Menu (Partial)
- Action Menu Plus Pack
- ActiSound
- Activate Command
- Activate Link
- Activator (Partial)
- AdaptiveKeyboard
- AdBlocker 2 (iOS 8)
- AdvancedSettings8 Y
- Aeternum
- AirBlue Sharing (Partial)
- airMonitor
- AirPlay Enabler
- akAuto3G
- AlarmVolume
- AlbumArtCenter
- AlipayBioEnabler
- Alkaline
- All Mail Actions
- AllBoardPass
- AllDrop
- Almpoum
- Aloud
- AlphaBadge
- AltKeyboard 2 (iOS 7) (Partial)
- AlwaysFirstSwipe
- AlwaysGreen
- AndroidLock XT
- Animate iOS 8
- AnimateAll
- AnimateAll HD
- AnyAttach (Partial)
- AnyDrop 2
- Anywhere!
- Apex 2 (iOS 7 & 8)
- App Language Switcher
- AppBackup (Partial)
- AppColorClose
- Appellancy
- AppelLocker
- AppETA
- AppHeads
- AppHide
- AppInfo (Partial)
- Apple File Conduit "2"
- AppList
- Applocker
- Appro
- Archer
- Aria
- Arise
- AskToCall (Partial)
- AskToSend
- Aslock
- Asos
- Assistive+
- Asuo
- Attachments+ for Mail
- Audio Recorder
- AudioExplorer
- AudioOut
- AudioRecorder
- augmented
- Australian BOM Siri Weather
- Australian BOM Weather+
- Auto VPN
- AutoDora
- AutoLSMusicControls
- Automa
- AutoOK7
- AutoTouch for iOS 8
- AvatarSync
- Awake Speech
- BackupAZ
- BackupIt
- Badge Customizer
- Badgomizer
- BarMagnet
- Barrel
- Bars
- Battery Percentage Enabler (Partial)
- Battery Percentage for iPod
- BatteryFullAlert
- BatteryLife
- BatteryPeek
- BatteryStatusBar
- BattSaver for iOS 7 & 8
- BetrFoldr (Partial)
- BetterCCSliders
- betterFiveColumnHomescreen
- BetterFolders
- BetterLS
- BetterNC7 (Partial)
- BetterNF
- BetterPasscodeKeypad
- BetterPowerDown
- BetterWiFi7 (iOS 7 & iOS 8)
- BioLockdown
- BioProtect
- Bloard
- BlueBoard
- Bluepicker
- bluePill
- Bluetooth Companion
- Blur Remover
- BlurBar
- BlurPaper
- BlurryBadges
- BlurryBar
- BlurryContrast
- BlurSlide
- Bolt
- BootSound
- BootUp
- Boover
- BounceNotify8
- Boxy 2
- Brevity (Partial)
- Brevity 2 (iOS 8)
- Bridge
- Brightness Activator Pro 2 (iOS8)
- Browser Changer
- BTC Mouse & Trackpad
- BTstack
- Bulletin
- Burst mode
- BurstGIF
- ByPass
- BytaFont 2
- Calendar for Lockscreen
- Calendar for NC
- Calendar Pro for NotificationCenter
- Call on GV 8 (iOS 8)
- CallBar (iOS 7 & 8)
- CallConnect
- CallController
- CallerID Greece
- CallLockScreen
- CallShare
- CallShortcut
- CamBlur7
- CamRotate
- CamText
- CamToggleBlur
- CamVolZoom
- CamZoomNoReset
- Canopy for iOS 7 (Partial)
- CarPlay iOS
- CarrierNM
- CC Deseparator
- CCBackground
- CCBringUpSwitcher
- CCControls Partial
- CCDock
- CCfix 8
- CCHide Partial
- CCLiveBrightness
- CCMeters Partial
- CCNowPlaying
- CCQuick Pro for iOS8
- CCSettings for iOS 8
- CCSliders
- CellularUsageOrder
- Centered Partial
- CenterStage
- Centrum
- ChargingHelper for iOS 8
- ChargingHelperPlus for iOS 8
- Check
- Chinese Calendar Pro for Notification Center
- Chroma
- Chrome Downloader+ (Partial)
- Circlet (Partial)
- classdump-dyld
- Classic iTunes (Partial)
- ClassicBadges
- ClassicDock
- ClassicLabels for iOS 7.1.x
- ClassicLockScreen
- ClearFolders
- ClearLockNotification
- ClearOnOpen
- CleverPin
- Clex2 (iOS 8)
- Cloaky
- Clone Alarm
- CloseAll
- Color Keyboard for iOS 7 (Partial)
- ColorBadges
- Colorbar
- ColorFlow
- ColorFont
- ColorFont2
- ColorfulKBD Pro
- Colorize
- ColorReachability
- ColorY0urBoard8 (iOS 8 & 7)
- Complete Me Not
- Confirm2Proceed
- Contacts Photo Sync
- Controllers For All
- Convergance
- ConvoPics
- Coono (Partial)
- Copic
- Cou
- CrashReporter
- CrazyCall
- CroppingScreen
- CSwitcher
- Curiosa
- Curtains
- CustomClock
- CustomCover
- CustomFolderIcons (Partial)
- customLS (Partial)
- CustomMessages
- CyDelete8 (iOS 7 and 8)
- Cydia Installer
- Cydia Substrate
- Cylay
- Cylinder
- DailyPaper (Partial)
- DarkFolders7
- DarkPhotos
- DataMeter
- DateCarrier
- DateText
- DathUI (iOS 8)
- Deafen
- DedupeVariants
- DefaultPlayer
- Delete Contact
- Delete Word (Partial)
- Delete World (Partial)
- DetailedBatteryUsage
- Dim
- DimInCall
- Dimmer
- Disable Frequently Visited Sites
- Disable Parallax Effect
- DisableCoverFlow7
- DisableLockCamera
- DisableVoiceControl 8
- Disk Pie
- Display Recorder
- DisturbPlease
- DNSCrypt
- DockShift
- donTouch
- DotsDotsDots
- DotsGoDown
- Dotter
- DoubleCheck
- Dropped
- DuplexClock (Partial)
- DynamicText
- EASimulateTower
- EASimulateTowerLight
- Eclipse 2 (iOS 8)
- Edit Alarms
- Edit Clocks
- Effects+
- EqualizerEverywhere
- Everest
- Exchange Unlock iOS7
- ExchangePolicyCleaner
- exKey
- f.lux
- FaceBOpenIN
- FaceDetectionDuringVideo
- FaceOff 7
- Faces
- Fake Email
- Fake GPS Lite
- Fake GPS Pro
- FakeCarrier
- FakeClockUp
- FakeLocation
- FakeMyConnectionType
- FakeTimeWarner (FTW)
- Fascy
- Fast Forward
- FastForward
- FB Unlimited Chat Heads
- FBNoNeedMessenger
- Filza File Manager
- Firewall iP7
- Five Icon Dock
- Five-Column Springboard
- Flat Notes
- Flex 2
- FlipControlCenter (Partial)
- flipflop
- Flipswitch
- Flurry
- FMFLive
- FMFNotifier
- Folder Customizer
- Folder6Plus
- FolderCloser
- FolderEnhancer (iOS 7/8)
- ForceGoodFit (Partial)
- ForceReach
- Forecast
- FTLSaver
- FullCameraLog
- FullFolder
- FullForce
- FullForce for Phone
- Fully Masked Passwords
- Gearsystem
- Gestr
- GhostPrefs
- GIFPaper
- GIFViewer
- GlowBadge
- GlowBoard
- GlowDock
- Googiri
- GPSCheat
- Grabby
- Grabless
- Gridswitcher
- Grooveshark
- GroovyLock
- GroupSend
- GuestMode
- GuizmoDNS
- GuizmOVPN
- HandsFree 2 (iOS 8)
- handyDialer
- HandyKey
- handyPhone
- HapticPro
- hid-support
- Hidden Pro
- HiddenCallLog7 (iOS 7 & 8)
- HiddenSettings7 (Partial)
- HiddenWallpapers
- Hide Labels
- Hide Newsstand iOS 7.1.x
- HideCameraGrabber
- HideHomeTime
- HideJB
- HideLSMusicControls
- HideMe8 (iOS 8)
- HideMe8 Lite
- Hold2Speak
- HomeScreen Settings (iOS8 & 7)
- HomescreenDesigner
- HUD Customizer
- HUDDismiss
- HUDSpeed
- HueHueHue
- I See Stars
- iAppLock
- IB Graphics Selector
- iBatteryInfo
- iBatteryInfoPro
- iBlacklist
- iBlank for iOS 7 and iOS8
- iBooks - Two Hands
- iBox for iOS8
- iCaughtU (Partial)
- iCaughtU Pro (Partial)
- iCleaner
- iCleaner Pro
- Icon Finder
- Icon Renamer (Partial)
- Icon Tool
- iconNotifier
- Iconoclasm
- IconOmatic
- IconSupport
- iDetector
- IfFound
- IfFound Lite (Partial)
- IfFound² (iOS 8)
- iFile
- iGotYa
- iKeyMonitor keylogger for iPad/iPhone/iPod
- iKeywi 2
- ImageExplorer
- iMeasure
- iMessageSpamReporter
- IMN for iOS 8
- Impulse
- Infiniboard
- Infinidock (Partial)
- Infinite Tweet 2
- InfinityTask
- InstaCopyTXT
- InstaEnhancer
- Instahancer
- InstaLauncher
- Instanote
- InstaOpenIN
- InstaRealDate
- IntelliID
- IntelliScreenX 8
- InternalPhotos
- InTube 2 (iOS 8)
- iOverclock 2
- iPad Battery (Partial)
- ipEQ for iPhone
- iPicMyContacts
- iProtect
- Iron Man Repulsor
- iScheduler
- iTouchSecure for iOS 8
- iTransmission 4
- iTunes Radio Unlimited (Partial)
- iUnlock
- iWep PRO 8
- iWidgets
- iWidgetTapper
- Jellylock7 (Partial)
- JODebox
- KeenCenter
- KeepSecret
- Keyboard
- KeyShortcut
- Keywi 2
- KikCameraSender
- KillBackground8 (iOS 7 & 8)
- KuaiDial for iOS7&8
- LabelShift
- LastApp
- libcrashreport
- libfinder
- libhide
- libLocation
- libpush
- libstatusbar
- libsymbolicate
- LinkOpener
- ListeningLauncher
- LittleBrother
- Live Effects Enabler
- LivelyIcons
- LiveWallpaper (Partial)
- LiveWeatherIcon (Partial)
- LocationFaker8 (iOS 8)
- LocationHolic
- LocationHolic(GoogleMaps)
- Lock Screen Tool
- Lockdown Pro iOS 8+
- LockGlyph
- LockHTML3
- Lockify Pro
- LockKeyboard
- LockLaunch7
- LockMemos
- LockMemosPlus
- LockPages
- Lockscreen Launcher
- LockSpeed
- LockStatusClock
- LongerAutoLock
- LSWeather
- Lumos
- Lyricsxplorer
- MagicBadges
- Mail Labeler
- Mail Labeler Lite
- Mail More Photos
- MapsOpener
- MarkAsRead7
- MaskMuter
- Maximization
- Mesalation
- MesaVibrate
- MessagePopper
- Messages Customiser (Partial)
- Messages+
- MessengerReturn
- Meter (Partial)
- miniCode
- MiniPlayer
- MobileTSS
- More Icons
- MoreInfo
- MorePredict
- MouseSupport
- MSGSplus
- MTerminal
- MultiIconMover
- MultiIconMover+
- MultiLS
- MultiSend
- MusicGestures
- MuteIcon
- MxTube
- My3G
- MyBias
- MyPhoneDefault (Partial)
- MyReachability
- MyStatusBar (Partial)
- MyWi 8
- Möbius
- NativeZoom
- Navigate from Maps
- NC Customizer
- NC Date Customizer
- NCFold
- NCMemo (iOS 8)
- NCObey
- NCPad
- NCSIngleTapClear
- NCStickyBar
- Nested Folders (iOS 8)
- NetworkList
- NevaGonnaBuy
- NewTabKeyboard
- NewTabSearch
- NewTerm
- NicoVideoEnhancer 8
- Nightmode (Partial)
- Nightmode8 (iOS 8)
- Nitrous
- No Alerts Private Browsing
- No Carrier Name
- No Dock Labels
- No Glint
- No LockScreen Blur
- No Passcode LockOut
- No Percent Sign
- No Tint&Blur Lockscreen
- No Yahoo!
- No Yahoo! & TWC
- NoAdStoreOpen
- NoAlarmVibrate
- NoAnnoyance
- NoAppSettings
- NoAudioRecorder
- NoBarScreen
- NoBlur
- NoCameraGrabber
- NoCC
- NoCCMediaControls8
- NoCoverFlow7
- NoDelay64
- NoDictation
- NoFullscreenGrabbers
- NoGrayContrast
- NoIconDot 8
- NoIconLabels
- NoLiveClock
- NoLockBounce
- NoLockScreenDate for iOS8
- NoLongPressKeys
- NoLowPowerAlert
- NoMotion
- Non-Stop Music 8 (iOS 8)
- NoNoNotifications7
- noNoSimAlert 8
- NoOrientationStatus
- NoPageDots7
- NoSlideTo
- NoSlowAnimations
- NoSpot iOS 7
- NoStatusBar
- NoSTUArrow
- NoSwitcherLabels
- Notate
- NoteCreator
- Notification Privacy
- Notifier+
- NotifyWifi 7
- NoTouchCancelReply
- NoTracking+
- NoUninstall
- NoUpdateCircles
- NoUpdateHistory
- NoUpperCaseTable
- NoVibratedWakeup
- NoVoiceMail
- NoWallpaperZoomAnimation
- NowListening
- NowPlayingStatusBar for iOS 7 (Partial)
- OneSimCard Direct
- OneThumb
- OnlyOneNotification
- Open In App For Photos
- Open in ProTube 2
- Opener
- OpenNotifier
- OpenOnSearch
- OpenOther for iOS 8
- OpenSSH
- OpenSSL
- OrangeMeNot
- OSLite8
- Overachiever
- Overboard (Partial)
- OwnSpy
- PadClock
- PandoraSkips
- PaperBoard
- Parental Controls For iOS
- PassTime
- Password Events
- PasswordPilot
- PdaNet
- PDF Printer
- Pebble Profiles
- PebbleSiri
- Persian Keyboard iOS8
- Phantom for Snapchat
- Photo Info
- PhotoAlbums+ for iOS 8
- PhotoTorch
- Pinnacle
- PkgBackup
- Platinum
- PM, really?
- Polus (Partial)
- Poof
- Portrait Lock
- Power Tap
- PowerApp
- PowerBanners
- PowerDown
- PowerSoundDisabler
- Predix
- PrefDelete
- PreferenceLoader
- PreferenceTag2 (iOS 8)
- PreThree
- Prettier Banners
- Printify
- Priority Hub
- Private Space
- PrivateSMS7 (iOS 7 & 8)
- Programmable SMS (iOS 8)
- Protean
- Protube
- Protube HD
- Pull to Dismiss
- PullToRespring
- Push for Gmail
- PushPrivacy
- PwnTunes for iOS 8
- Pyx
- QuickActivator
- QuickCall
- QuickContacts
- QuickDo
- QuickFolders
- QuickGestures (iOS 8)
- quicklock46
- QuickMusic 2 (iOS 8)
- QuickPass
- RaiseToCall2 (iOS 7)
- RASBerry
- Reachability7
- ReachAll
- RecentFacebook
- Record 'n' Torch
- RecordMyScreen (Tweak)
- Reminders for Lockscreen
- Remote Messages (iOS 8)
- Remove Badges
- ReplaceBlurs
- RePower
- Reroute
- ResetAllKiller
- RetroArch
- ReturnToCalm (Partial)
- Revelation
- RightX
- RingerSwitchTool
- Ringing Pocket Yes
- Rise Yes
- RocketBootstrap
- Roomy
- RoundScreenCorners
- Safari Downloader+
- Safari Enhancer
- Safari Upload Enabler
- SafariAlwaysPrivate
- SafariRefresh
- SafariTabCount (Partial)
- Safe Alarm
- Safe Alarm PRO
- SameGrabbers
- SameStatus
- SaveGram
- SB OpaqueClarity
- SBDocument
- SBFlip
- SBInfoGrabber iOS 7
- SBMusic
- SBPhoto
- SBPhotoDial
- SBPowerAlert
- SBProfile
- SBProfiles
- SBSettings (Partial)
- ScramblePass
- ScreenPainter
- ScreenShotClip
- ScreenshotPlus
- scrobbled
- ScrubRadio
- Secretary
- Sectional
- SelectiveReading
- SendDelay
- Sesame
- SetBack
- ShadowBoard
- Shazam On Start
- Shou
- Show My Touch
- ShowCase
- Shrink
- Shy Page Dots
- Sicarius
- Signal 2
- SilencePlease
- SimplePasscodeButtons
- Simpler Photos
- Simplock
- SiriNoConfirm
- SixBar
- SleekCode
- SleekPhone
- SleepyAlarm
- Sleipnizer for Safari
- Slices
- Slide2Kill8 Lite
- Slide2Kill8 Pro
- Slideback
- SlideCut
- SlideForUsage
- Slo-mo Mod
- Small4MMS
- SmartBatteryPercentage
- SmartTap
- Smartwatch+
- SMS on GV 8 (iOS 8)
- SMS Stats 2
- SMSNinja
- SMSPrefix
- Snapchat Log
- SnapMoreText
- Snapper
- Snes9x EX+
- SnooScreens
- Snoverlay
- Social Duplicator 2 (iOS 8) (Partial)
- Social Enhancer
- Space+
- Speak Notification
- Spectral
- Speed Intensifier
- SpeedChanger
- SpeedMaster
- Speedy Homey
- Spin
- SpinSettings
- Spoof CallerID and Voice changer
- SpotLock
- springPage
- Springtomize 3 (iOS 7 & 8) (Partial)
- Sprint Timer
- SPTouch
- SSH Connect
- StaticLock
- StaticLock
- StatisticsExplorer
- StatusBarTimer
- StatusForecast
- StatusHUD 2
- StatusModifier
- StatusPeek
- StatusTime+ (Partial)
- Stealth Cam
- Stepper 2 (iOS 8)
- Sticky
- Still Capture Enabler 2
- StopAlarm iOS 8
- StopCCinApp
- StopPlayin8'
- Substrate Safe Mode
- SubtleLock (iOS 7) (Partial)
- Super Recorder
- Support Unsupported Accessories 8
- SwipeExpander
- SwipeSelection (Partial)
- SwipeSelection Pro (Partial)
- SwipeShiftCaret
- SwitchAutofocus
- SYS Passwd (Partial)
- syslogd to /var/log/syslog
- Tab+
- TabLess
- Tage
- TapTapFolder
- TapTodaysCalendar
- TapToUnlock7
- TetherMe for iOS8+
- TetherStatus
- TGAnyFiles
- TimePasscode
- TimePasscode Pro
- TinyBar
- Tinygrid+
- ToneEnabler
- TouchBar
- Transference
- TransparentCameraBar
- TransparentDock
- TransparentVolume8
- True iRadio (Partial)
- TryGpsOut5
- tsProtector 8
- TVLocker Pro
- TwitkaFly (iOS 7)
- TypeAndTalk
- TypeRead
- TypeStatus
- TypingPrivacy
- UAUnbox
- UIColors (Partial)
- UIKit Tools
- UIRotation8 (iOS 8)
- unBold
- UnderFace
- Uniformity
- Uninstall Application Size
- Universal Video Downloader
- Unlimited Itunes Radio Skips 8
- unlimitedphotos
- unlockr
- UnlockSound7
- Unrestricted Folders Naming
- UntetheredHeySiri
- Untrusted Hosts Blocker
- UpNext
- Upscale (Partial)
- User Agent Changer
- vColor
- Vertex
- VerticalVideoSyndrome
- Vestigo
- vHome
- Video Zoom Mod
- VideoExplorer
- VideoPane
- VineDownloader
- Virtual Home (Partial)
- VirtualHome 8 (iOS 8)
- VlifePapers-iPhone
- VoiceChange
- VoiceMailRemoveriOS7
- Volume Amplifier
- Related
- Volume Mixer
- VolumeNotifier
- VolumeStatus 2
- WAEnhancer
- WAFixCrash
- Wake Info 2
- Wake With Weather
- WakeTrace
- WallCycler (Partial)
- WallpaperPlus
- WAOpenIN
- Watchboard
- Watusi
- WeatherBoard (iOS 8 & 7)
- WeatherFix8
- WeChat Emotions Assistant
- WeeLoader
- WhatsApp Blacklist
- WhatsApp for IMN
- WhatsApp LSeen TimeStamp
- WhatsApp+
- Whatspad
- WhoIsCalling
- WI Bug Fixes
- WiCarrier
- WiFi
- WiFi Booster
- WiFi Explorer
- Wifi Passwords
- WiFried (AWDL Disable)
- Wink
- WinterBoard
- Wipi
- XModGames
- yBox
- Youtube Essentials
- YouTube To Protube
- Youtubed
- YouTuber, Download & Convert
- YoutubeToMp3
- Zeppelin
Estos han sido todos los tweaks de Cydia compatibles con iOS 8 que hemos descubierto gracias a International Business Times, hemos modificado el listado original de tweaks para eliminar todos aquellos que NO funcionaban en el nuevo sistema operativo móvil de Apple, pero si quieres ver la lista completa con más detalles, versiones y fechas de edición lo puedes hacer desde aquí.
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